Monday, May 26, 2008

Clean-Up Challenge

Over Memorial Day Weekend, I went camping with a large group of people and one of them suggested going on a beach clean-up. In only about an hour, we had gathered four huge bags of trash and an enormous brick of styrofoam. I also learned that our state parks run off of lottery money, fees, and any donations they may recieve. There is no steady income from taxpayers. I'm amazed at what Oregon State Parks manages to provide with such limited resources.

Therefore, I am issuing a challenge and making a personal commitment. Each time you go camp, hike, or otherwise enjoy a park, make an effort pick up trash at some point on your trip. It saves rangers and hosts time, creates a more consistantly beautiful and environmentally sound experience, and gives us a sense of ownership for the places we love! I'll be looking for little ways to make our parks a little nicer. Will you join me?

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